Job Interview
Source: Job interview sering dianggap sebagai tahap paling sulit dan menakutkan bagi kandidat. Pasalnya di sini dapat terlihat karakter dan kemampuan kandidat yang sesungguhnya. Sebelum mulai mempersiapkan diri, tahukah kamu,pengertian, kaliamt apa saja yang harus atau akan disampaikan? Yuk, kita simak penjelasan di bawah ini! 1. Definition Steps taken by the company in the process of recruiting and selecting prospective employees. In addition, the company will also assess the eligibility and ability of applicants. 2. Experession/Sentences (Ekspresi / Kalimat) 1. Pay attention to your education and qualifications, or any formal training you may have received a. I graduated from (university/college etc.) in (year)… b. I took a Business course (in....) and it helped me in.... 2. Focus on your work experience and your career so far a. I am good at mu